Now most, if not all of them are available in your larger grocery stores. With the growing popularity of ethnic cuisines, there are many more products carried in your everyday supermarket. For example, the Harmons just a short drive from my home has a few shelves of Asian items and almost everything I need is there. All the sauces, noodles and condiments are side by side. And if you need other ingredients, like tofu and egg roll wrappers, items that are normally refrigerated, you can find them in the produce sections, usually near the mushrooms or bagged salads. And you can also find the dried woodear mushrooms over there too.
Finding the basic ingredients in the grocery stores may be easy, but you can find a greater variety of items and some really funky and great items at a local Asian market. Yes, it's going to be a different. But it's worth the trip at least once in your life. You've got to expand your horizons, see what the rest of the world really eats. Because I'll gurantee you, the authentic sweet and sour sauce they use in China is NOT radioactive neon pink.
Asian grocery stores usually have ingredients from all over the continent. Be it Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Thai, or Vietnamese meals, you will find everything, and I mean EVERYTHING you need here.
For some people, ethnic grocery stores can be a little frightening, but there's nothing to be scared of. It's a grocery store just like any other. It just has ingredients that you may have never seen before with labels in a language you may not understand. No big deal. And by entering this type of store, you open yourself to all sorts of culinary options.
Still a little scared? Well, let me help ease your mind... First, almost every item will have some sort of english on it, so you will have an idea of what's in the package. You won't be taking some mystery package home. Can't find a recognizable characrter? Well, since it's food, the USDA requires that it have the Nutrition Facts label somewhere on the packaging. Most likely, a description of the food will be there.
Second,most of the package while have some area that is see-through, so you can actually see what you're buying. This comes in handy when you're selecting noodles, mushrooms, or meats. And many of them, like these rice paper wraps will show how you can use them. For example, these are perfect for spring rolls or thin wrapper egg rolls.
Third, in my experience, there are very nice people working there. If you tell them what you need, they'll direct you tgo the item quickly and kindly.

Finally, you need to walk down the candy aisle. There are all sorts of exotic sweets available in little bags, so you can sample something new for about a buck and a half.

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